Externally, As part of our long-term strategy in contributing to society, Adrian has developed a compact business curriculum that helps prepare Women In Business. As part of our long-term strategy in contributing to society, Adrian is investing has invested in the training and development of women in business to effectively add value in the Telecommunication space and adjacent sectors.

On November 13th, 2019, we facilitated a training session at the Capital Club in Nairobi with 32 women in business leaders led by our COO, Kotsanai Matereke. Our commitment is to support over 50 companies that in turn can consolidate the assets, networks, and capabilities into a formidable force that can solicit support from the financial institutions, private and government.

By sharing global strategy frameworks with these SMEs, we position them to strategically help solve large infrastructure service opportunities that will intern will be rewarded with business growth, prosperity, and longevity in the market.
